Come to Jesus

Day 17--New York

After a really long night, we decided to go into Watkins Glen with the Daniels.  They have a really pretty state park just out of the town that had a gorge we could hike through.  When we arrived, the guy at the entrance said they'd be opening it in 20 minutes.


A horn blared and we started down the hiking trail.  It was SO muddy and there was water everywhere.  They had been hit with a lot of rain and they had to close the trail because it was so wet and muddy.  But it was beautiful.  I'm glad we went.

After we were done hiking, we were sitting in the pavilion when we noticed that there was a Young Women's Girls Camp going on.  What are the chances?  We talked to the leaders for a little bit and found out they were from Pennsylvania and their bishop had given them all the money for the boys and girls because none of the boys wanted to go to Scout Camp.

Awesome. :)

We decided to head up and do the church sites that were about 45 minutes away instead of waiting until the next day.  This is the area the LDS church began in and it was so interesting to finally see everything--The Hill Cumorah, the Sacred Grove, and the farmhouse of Joseph Smith.  I just wish the kids would have acted just a little more enthusiastic--or at least respectful---about it.  They just kept walking around, whining about how bored they were.

So at dinner--a really good Mexican food place where the kids only picked at their food yet again--we had a Come to Jesus Moment where we talked about how amazing this opportunity is for them and how they are not appreciating any of it.  I'm not sure that much sunk in but it was good to have a reminder talk.

We returned to our shed and got ready for another long night.


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